Monday, February 02, 2009


of course, as forecast. Not as bad as down south, though (and I gather they don't have snow ploughs down there as they rarely have need of them). so horses stayed in, but we put three of them in the arena this afternoon to stretch their legs whilst we mucked out. this is a great shot, if I say so myself - accidental, of course!


Jean said...

I guess some places got hit pretty hard with the snow.

That picture is great! Sometimes the best ones are sheer chance. Looks like you hit it perfectly. *S*

Who is that with Molly, by the way?

Nicola said...

Was pretty heavy up here this afternoon..not fun driving in it in my car its lethal!

trudi said...

Lovely 'pic, hope you're OK in the snow, did you get more?

Danni said...

Lovely pic :)