Monday, February 23, 2009

not so good

probably because i was over dressed and overheated

and probably also cos molly needs a change of scene.

hoping to organise a hack out...

BUT we did get a small sideways ... when I DIDN'T also twist my body, LOL

and we DID get some nice walk

and we DID get me winning the argument about who had control of the contact...


Jean said...

Every day will not be perfect. As long as you accomplished something and have made a step forward, it's just fine. Eventually, you will figure out Molly's learning curve.

Some horses pick something up, then go with it every day. Some pick it up, go with it a few times--enough to make you think it's solid--and then they seem to forget everything. Then suddenly they are perfect. Some take a day or two to get a grasp and then gradually improve. Just be patient and think how far you've come.

As I recall, when I first started reading this blog, Molly would not go right at all and "on the bit" was just a distant dream. *S*

Nicola said...

It was surprisingly warm today and tonight!
Yep progress all the same..

English Rider said...

Hi Claire,
Please check into my blog to pick up the award that is there for you.