Monday, August 03, 2009

well that was better...

did some groundwork first, then got on and that was's a bit diffiuclt to use the reins with a 12foot line in your hand as well, though, so i had to get off and get on again using a lead rein... the catch on the 12 foot line is impossible to undo onehanded!

then we did some trot as well, only on the long sides but it was fairly regular and she didn't try and tranter, so i was pleased with that!

something starting to work on that front, then, hopefully the devil's claw kicking in...

but i've smashed my watch, no idea how - the glass is broke, in one place (like a hole)and there are bits of glass inside preventing the hands going round. Hopefully i'll be able to get it mended, although partner thinks i might as well just get a new one! anyway, the result is guessing how long i'm out there with her... but it felt about 3/4 hour. I'm leaving the mobile phone on a fence post to avoid losing it.


trudi said...

Definitely more positive!! Good stuff.

Anonymous said...

Glad all went better!

Jean said...

Good job. Kind of a pain to get all the tack and rigging sorted out, as I well know.

Wonder what in the world you did to your watch? Might not be worth fixing. I just buy Timex here so I don't spend a ton of money on watches. If mine breaks, it's a relatively inexpensive replacement.