Sunday, August 16, 2009

more howling gales...

varying between warm and chilly ...

did a small amount of in hand work - i'm really not totally sold on this, largely because of my body twist, but left rein molly goes round on the bit very nicely - right rein a nightmare for both of us because i'm then on my non dominant side!

but at least we did something.

i left my purple schooling stick on the fixed mounting block - someone's put it away ... that's what i get for leaving sticks about the place. it'll turn up!


Cabruze said...

Our "crookedness" is frustrating isn't it!! Bad enough our horses favouring one side!

Mary Lou said...

Even when I put mine away it disappears. I have put blue tape on much of my stuff.

I am really addressing my crookedness these days. I have to be super aware because of Tetley's asymmetry, that I don't add to it, that I compensate for it if I can. I have found that photos taken directly behind the horse show a lot of things that you never see otherwise. Not photos you would publish, but ones to learn from!

trudi said...

hehe between their crookedness and ours, what chance do we have??