Tuesday, June 23, 2009

not quite so good...

but at least not as muggy as yesterday, just nicely hot with a nice breeze where needed!

went over to the arena and someone had just finished setting jumps up ... so i got on (decided to get some assistance since it was there to be had!) and walk/trot round the jumps. couldn't get down outside track, circles either end with a diagonal one way and a dog leg the other way down the length. she was setting her jaw and i couldn't get her to soften...but at least she was happy to be forward again!

friend turned up about 2 hours later than she said she would .. she'd forgot her hat! so was read a lecture on the subject. since she had got on, i said we'll just walk up to the riding school and back, which was good for her confidence as well as last time she was on that particular horse she was off again ...

and i lent her richard hinrichs book & video on inhand work, as she hadn't known what i meant by that...

1 comment:

Jean said...

Every ride is one more step in the right direction. You'll get Molly soft again, I'm sure. Just be patient.