Monday, June 08, 2009

not as thin as i thought...

Molly, that is .... or it was because she'd been in for a while already when i got there, but i think she's jsut not put on as much as i thought..

now why do i say that?

i'd done the girth up as much as possible.... the saddle slipped as i got on, i tried to put my other foot back on the moutning block and didn't quite get it right, so iwent backwards, my left foot came out of the stirrup (thank goodness) and molly went bucking round the arena with the saddle on her side as I fell on my back

shorter girth, I think!

got someone to come and help me get back on, as I wanted to get on again sooner rather than later and ensure she hadn't been adversely affected by that.

She was good


I've never had that happen before! and so pleased i got the left foot out of the stirrup!

and it makes me wish i'd hung on until the shop had had the slightly taller mounting block in stock ...


English Rider said...

Sounds really scary. Glad everything's O.K.

Jean said...

A taller mounting block is a must as far as I'm concerned. Had an issue getting on Tucker at the lesson as I had to use the trailer's fender as a mounting block. Next time I take the three step block I bought for just such occasions with me!

Glad you didn't get hurt in that fall. It would not have been pretty if you hadn't gotten your foot free. *shiver*

Danni said...

Glad you're both ok after that, and that you got your foot out of that stirrup!

Mary Lou said...

Oh my, that's rather unsettling! Working with horses always has lots of surprises but, hopefully, we can learn from each one and better protect ourselves in the future. So glad that you didn't get hurt! I too always use a three step mounting block or the fence. I can easily pull a muscle in my left leg if I try to mount from too low a platform.

trudi said...

Glad that wasn't worse for you. Definitely need a shorter girth then.

Di said...

Glad you're ok Claire. Shorter girth, taller mounting block required!!