Wednesday, December 10, 2008

more groundwork

largely because it's sooooo cold... bit of a breeze tonight, just a gentle one but made it seem a lot colder than it is so Molly got her exercise sheet on .. probably time I got back on, but will, I think, leave that to the weekend...

No news on the jobs front. A couple of agencies have put me forward for a couple of things, but that's about it...:-( One firm shortlists on Friday, so we'll know next week whether they want to see me.


cptrayes said...

Fingers crossed for Friday. I know you aren't in criminal work, but it's a bit dire for criminal lawyers around here. I have had both my last two courts cancelled because the police are doing so many conditional cautions that the court lists are empty.


Jean said...

Hoping for the best on the job front.

Meantime, good for you working Molly despite the cold. She'll just keep on making progress at this rate.