Friday, May 26, 2006


I can't remember if I said, the local Fhoenix agent was coming today.

She did. Brought with her the GP Prolite and the Suberpad dressage, both 18"; the GP with the HM stirrups.

So both were tried.

With the GP, eventually Molly went really nicely.

With the dressage, she didn't go so well; the saddle seems to sit you up more, but I didn't feel so comfy in it, my knees were falling out of the front of the saddle flaps, and I wasn't riding quite as well.

We put the GP back on again.

Conclusion: GP Prolite.

The agent is Muriel Allen, a well known dressage trainer and as I said to her I was particularly impressed that she had taken up this saddle. She thought Molly had even changed shape slightly by the time we'd finished, although I should have thought that would be unlikely - it was only an hour!!!!! It was also of advantage to have a bit of a 'free' lesson as well (I said it would be scary - I think I said that in a forum post on enlightenedequitation!).

So anyway, the end result is that I shall be selling the Cheyenne and the GP and the grandeur pad and the endurance suberpad, and buying a Phoenix.

You could feel the difference in Molly, and considering my 'feel' aint that good yet, that was good.

Not that she was willing to stand still to be mounted - interesting Muriel clocked that it was only the mounting block which is an issue; that's true. I can be legged up, or get on from the ground, and she'll stand, but she really don't like mounting blocks. and considering a mounting block is much better for her back than the other two methods, that's silly!

The one interesting thing about me, that Murial didn't comment on whilst I was riding, was my right tilt in the spine. I asked her about that - she said it was clearly something I couldn't do anything about so work with it (or words almost to that effect ....)

And she cleared up somehting I hadn't been able to get straight in my head re weight aids; whether I keep it straight in my head is another matter, but I'll try.

The thing is now = what do I do tomorrow? bareback again?

I did think I might take the inserts out of the grandeur which may make the cheyenne slightly better for now, it occurred to me when I looked at them and where they are that the rub is under them, I think.

Muriel agreed with my view that the endurance suber isn't long enough for the cheyenne (I still think that might be because it's a size 2, not a size 1....)

anyway, I was very pleased. Even partner, when told about the results, didn't scream about wasting money on saddles (although no doubt that will be to come).

Ah well, better go get the camera out and find some packaging. the box the Cheyenne came in got taken to the tip by partner (i knew that was a mistake, but partner hates junk about the place) so I shall have to find another one.

Having said all that, I'm looking at a barefoot london on Sunday; but if that has the same issue on rubbing as the cheyenne has .... mm.

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