Tuesday, April 13, 2010

the in season mare

is SO not worth working, so i didn't try.

she's been horrendous all day - i went and got them back in about 0930 as it was raining and chilly and they didn't have their rugs on, and when i got them they were flirting like mad...

gaynor turned them out later, and Molly was being a dreadful t**t

so she didn't do anything - not even get the mud brushed off, bad me!

as it happened, the planned hack for both of us couldn't have happened, as gaynor's OH was still on call, and out!


Jean said...

Oh well. I wonder if a muddy Molly will be as attractive as a brushed one? *G*

Mary Lou said...

I only have had geldings so I don't know but I hope this doesn't last long. I suppose it's the season though. Probably best, as you did, to leave her alone as you are not likely to win a fight with her at the moment. She will love you again soon.

trudi said...

Oh dear, guess it's that time of year.