Saturday, May 23, 2009

still shimming issues...

i had thought that the propensity of the pad to move off centre was a function of my getting on, amongst other things.

it isn't - it's a function of molly moving!

I did a bit of in hand today, with a view to riding thereafter (lesson is postponed till tomorrow!) and realised after that, as i was preparing to get on, that the pad had moved off centre under the saddle (the result is that the centre seam is not up in the gullet where it started - this was particularly noticeable at the back! before i mounted).

so i undid it and put it all right, got on ... walked round .... got off ... and it had moved again...

I hadn't anticipated doing anything huge by this stage, as a horse was shouting loudly back in the yard and someone/thing was crackling about the copse next to the arena, but i decided to go away and think about shimming again.

the saddle itself stays where it should, so far as i can tell, but of course if the pad has moved, the shimming is also in the wrong place....

it isn't as agent had it, TBF, last time she was out, as I can't get quite the right thing for the back....


Danni said...

Hmm, how did you get on today? Have you been in touch with the selling agent about your Vogue and the shimming problem?

Jean said...

Kind of an annoying problem there. Would a non-slip pad help?

I thought you had that all sorted out a while ago. I guess Molly's physical changes are having an impact on the saddle's fit???