Sunday, September 02, 2007


mother wanted to go to Kendal to see a show which her great nephew (now 30) had something to do with.

I should have gone and seen molly before we set off; didn't get back till it was dark again!

never mind, had a good day.

the show was a bit odd, and I'm sorry to say I fell asleep - at least I had the genuine excuse of REALLY needing to rest my eyes! I wasn't the only one I don't think..... clearly soporific. it was quite dark (in a dome tent!) and the soundtrack (each member of the audience had to wear headphones!) quite soporific....

hopefully i can keep the eyes going through the week till my specs arrive, otherwise I'll end up on the sick....

1 comment:

Jean said...

Well that sounds like an interesting experience...not. At least you had a short nap.

Being without the right glasses is really hard. The less you can do that strains your eyes the better.

Take care of yourself.