Friday, September 25, 2009

2 dead mice

in my carrots - the carrots hadn't lasted 5 seconds anyway due to the heat, and needed binning, but 2 dead mice, looked as though they'd fallen asleep actually but hadn't.  

I lunged.  I think she's fine so will ride tomorrow!  hurray!  thinking i'll try round the 20 acre just, we'll see.

but I think we all need those old fashioned veils ladies used to wear - would keep the d*** midges off!


Anonymous said...

Or a beekeeper's outfit!

Claire said...


spookbusting to a whole new level!

Di said...

Oh dear, poor little mice.

Jean said...

Glad you didn't accidently reach in for the carrots before you looked. *lol*

May the midges leave you alone so you can enjoy that ride. And may Molly be a super good girl!

Danni said...

Eww, bad enough when you get icky carrots, never mind dead meeces!

It'll soon be past the time of year for midges anyway...not sure if that's good or bad!