Monday, August 20, 2007

reading glasses

were left at home this morning and i didn't realise till i got there, so didn't come back home as it's a 50 mile round trip.... but oh the headache!

anyway, it motivated me finally to ring the optician for eye test - was due to go in June and didn't, and I know i need a new prescription!

so in consequence molly only got fed and turned out again.....


Jean said...

Ooh, what a nuisance. I wear contact lenses in what is called "monovision." One for distance and one for reading. It works OK, but when I do a lot of close up work, I put on glasses to correct the distance eye.

I was supposed to have my eye doctor appointment set in July and I forgot to call until the end of the month--he was so booked I couldn't get an appointment until September!

Better luck to you.

James said...

Me too I just got my new glasses two weeks ago. I'm nearsided in the lfet and farsided in the right and they are uneven on my face. Am I broke?