Wednesday, April 22, 2009


walk was nice but trot was pants.

i had to get off and re adjust the saddle shims ... will email agent again, they still move as i get on ggrrrhhh

so trot? kangarooing again ... eventually i just gave up any thought of contact, shortened my stirrups and pushed her on (whlst being careful to keep off the fences, LOL) .. both ways, and called that done.

i did suggest to RI the other day that might be the way for now, just give up with contact and push her forward ... i may have something there....


Jean said...

The contact won't work unless she is forward, so that simply has to be established first.

Sounds to me as if something is bothering her. Could be just some muscle soreness. Going forward might help loosen her up.

RI needs to be consulted, because she is there and will see what's going on.

Still keep ulcers in the back of your mind. They can cause all kinds of behavior/performance issues. Could be as Molly began to use her tummy muscles more they acted up?

Danni said...

Glad you didn't have a physical altercation with the fence again!

If it's not the shims moving, and she's not still in season, hopefully your RI can be your eyes on the ground and see what's going on.

If it's not a training issue I'd second Jean's suggestion to bear ulcers in mind.

But I do hope this was just Molly wishing she could have a duvet day instead of working!

Nicola said...

Nothing really to add other than hope you can figure things out between you and your RI!

Anonymous said...

If you're having to use shims, does she have a saddle fit problem? - that could make her reluctant. Also your approach seems right to me - focussing on forward first and worrying about contact later. If, as Jean says, there is a muscle soreness issue, that may also make it hard for her to accept contact - good chiropractic might help.

Claire said...

she's certanly unhappy about soething.

I was thinking perhaps the mouth ....

the odd thing is we DID have this pretty much sorted a few weeks ago, and are regressing, so yes something is awry...

Kate, it's a treeless saddle - heather moffett vogue - and the mare is asymmetrical at the shoulder. a treed saddle would be a nightmare.....but shims are necessary until she develops more muscle, it's just getting them right that's proving a shade difficult ATM.

Cabruze said...

I was thinking saddle too. (Sorry but just because it's treeless doesn't mean it fits!) But while she's rebuilding muscle how about using fibregee between the saddle cloth and saddle? It's what Kay Humphries and Barry Swain always recommend because it doesn't prevent muscle development like a lot of things do.

Isn't it a nightmare when things aren't right but what's wrong isn't obvious!! If only horses could talk!!

Claire said...

jane, are you having a mass catch up?

shimming is sorted.... and fibregee squashes too much. Solutions Saddles sell nice shims....