Monday, July 30, 2007


still can't get on.

can do pretty much everything else.

think i possibly need MORE time .... but on an evening when one has been to work and has the law to mow before it turns into a hayfield......

together with sarcasm from someone because i forgot to take the stool back saturday - i said, at least i didn't leave it where it could be run over.... (wasn't in the mood for sarcasm at all by that stage!)

1 comment:

Jean said...

Your lawn sounds like mine. It just keeps growing and growing...and I keep mowing and mowing...

Bummer about the mounting problems. It is not fun to have to fool around with that kind of stuff.

The only training tool I have is the "make her work" everytime she moves technique. "Working" can be circling around you in a small circle, leading forward and backing up, moving sideways from your hand--all kind of close up and personal. Then try standing her at the stool and again, if she moves work her in hand. Be relentless with this, over and over. That might be all you will do that night and never actually get on. When she stands, she gets to rest. You might even manage to get on her, just give her a pat and then dismount. The lesson for the day would be learning to stand for you to mount.

Then, if you get that far, mount, stand, feed her a treat, dismount. Repeat. Repeat. Don't ride that day. Maybe ride a little the next time, but make it fun. Gradually, you can work up to more, but don't ever let her walk off when you try to mount without working her in hand until she decides standing is better.

Wish I could offer more. The better mounting block will definitely make the process easier.