Monday, April 24, 2006

going out tomorrow night!


the others have finally decided on 24/7 turnout, starting tomorrow, I am so pleased! I have no doubt molly & brookie will feel hard done by when they get turned out again, but then they'll decide this is good! and then, roll on, I'll be able to stop getting up at 0530 weekdays!

Was supposed to be riding tonight, someone had said they could ride mondays and fridays if nothing else - but said person was too tired. the excuse, for a monday, was that she went to the Take That concert at Newcastle Arena last night. What can I say! (not being a take that fan, not a lot!). and turned out others from the other half of the yard had gone out without me realising .. maybe I spend too long grooming?

Ah well, presumbably people will now start to get a summer sort of routine going ....

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