Tuesday, April 25, 2006

evening ride!

amazing. There was someone to ride out with, and we went a new way - through the park, they call it. A very large field with a track running through it, next to the Wear - gorgeous! a couple of times Molly tried to turn round and go back, but was easily circled back the way we were going. Hadn't been out before with the other horse/rider, so didn't know how they'd get on, but that was fine! Had to contend with cows as well, not very scary - I think she was more disconcerted by the sight of the sheep on the other side of the river.

Very pleased!

and there was another bareback rider tonight - one of the women couldn't find her girth (she'd left it in her car and hadn't realised, and also hadn't spotted my old girth from the old GP hanging up) so rode bareback a good fast hack I hear!

and as planned they are out overnight, so I can have a lie in by about 1/2 hour or so tomorrow, YAY.

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