it's some sort of wrench or something due possibly to hoolying in the field on hard ground...feet of course were fine (trimmed last week!) not gravelled, no probs with white line of course, possibly very minor bruise in one very small place but that was dubious as a diagnosis...
nothing obvious to find, save a shade stiff on the right shoulder
probably nothing to do with the fetlocks, as this is a right sided lameness, not a bilateral one
so week off, bute for 4 days, double up her supplement for the same period, see how she is after that.
if that doesn't do it, it's probably old age.. doh.
cream for the eye
her teeth? the dentist had been doing a good job.
She is out at her poll, but i showed vet how that was NOT relevant to bitting...ah, he says.
it's all in her mind....
Keeping My Fingers Crossed
8 years ago
I beg to differ a bit on this....if she is out at her poll, she might be experiencing symptoms of TMJ which would affect the bitting. Also, because the action of the bridle with the bit does put pressure on her poll, it could make her less likely to want to be bridled or carry the bit correctly. And she could have a headache.....
Did she get adjusted?
Hopefully everything will sort itself out with some time off. Get better, Molly!!
possibly jean, but bearing in mind where we started with bits way back..
anyway, going to get the back man out to sort the poll out, and do some carrot stretches...
Could be chronic issues. Wasn't her neck out before???
Anyhow, there is a "hug" you can do that may help. Stand in front of Molly. Wrap your arms around her neck, interlocking your fingers at her poll and gently pull back and down. If it feels good she will kind of stretch into it. You can do it repeatedly, moving down a few vertebrae each time.
Her poll's being out could also contribute to balance, gait and willingness to take the bit. Tricky stuff.
Whilst it might not be obvious, sounds like something's awry. I'm no equine healthcare professional, I'm not even an experienced owner, but I'd concur with Jean the poll being out is a red flag. I hope she eases off with rest & a visit from the back man :)
i know, i know, the back man's coming (well, when he's read my email and got back to me ) but reflect on her history, ladies....
a horse ridden in a bit that hurts is going to remember it... even if later a bit that "should not" hurt is used...
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