Thursday, July 15, 2010


5 of them in the field as i walked down to collect molly....ran away, they did

I'm sure there's something about a trailer or wagon that molly finds someone was loading up to go to holmeside, (well, i assume that one, and not the other! it gets confusing) and molly was somewhat "up" about this...

i wasn't planning on doing anything with her, FAR too windy!


Mary Lou said...

It was here too but surprisingly I didn't find the bike ride too difficult. The horses were on edge but I rode Tetley where I could. Still not much rain here. Did you get a lot?

Jean said...

Weather reports abound...the heat has returned here but there is a bit of a breeze.

Molly does react to those trailers,doesn't she. Wonder if she's worried that she's going to be taken somewhere.