Thursday, September 04, 2008

the vogue trial

ends tonight - being picked up in the morning - and happily the weather relented for me to ride! I worked on walk trot transitions (getting myself to NOT block the forward movement with my hands, which i'm a B for....didn't used to be i'm sure, but I am now") and Molly is clearly getting stronger as she is finding it easier to work through properly in walk and carry herself. no where near consistent yet, but getting there. and we even had one not too bad halt...

unfortunately, the arena has been affected by all the rain, the side nearest the barn is seriously boggy, so we have to avoid that ... which means in fact it's good as you have to ensure you are working about 1 1/2 metres in from the outside track on that side. no support from the wall, so need to work on straight.

natasha thought she might fetch a horse up tomorrow and either go out for a hack with me, or we'd go up to holmeside or somewhere and use their indoor. either way, woudl be good for molly.


cptrayes said...

What's the verdict on the Vogue on Molly? Is she the right shape for it, unlike Nicola's two?


Claire said...

she is indeed, Caroline - the vogue is much more the thing for a TB (as Molly is) or similar

and it was good to have an agent actually look at the fhoenix on her, I'd never been able to sort that out as the then local agent badly broke a leg in 2 places just as my saddle arrived, and hasn't really recovered (she's in her 70's, i gather). So all good.

but I need a job - much as this saddle is much better for Molly, being jobless doesn't help!

Jean said...

What a time to find the right saddle. Glad the Vogue works but wish you had the funds readily available.

At least Molly is improving. Seems the new stable and riding area suit you both!