once i got on. that was the difficult bit (after i'd wrestled with getting the bridle on).
Because Molly "knew" she would get a treat, she never put herself in a position where she could be clicked, until after Kirstie came and held her head - at which point, click, mount, reward. but I think - i rather lost count - something like 20 attempts to even get her at a sensible place at the mounting block. and the only thing that got clicked/treated in all that time was one straight halt. my thinking there was, she gets clicked/treated for a square halt elsewhere, she'll get the notion that a square halt at the mounting block might be good. but no. and the number of times i had to take the reins out of her mouth...
when i was on, i had to get kirstie to walk in front of her round to the arena. she was allowed that uncertainty and need for reassurance, however, as there was a tractor with it's engine running round the corner, i knew it was there but she didn't.. car parked next to it wiht its engine running and lights on - YM and her b/f trying to fit the fence posting machine to the tractor...
then i did about 40 minutes walk. some of it was good, some of it was bad, but we are getting there i think. sometimes we go off when i get tense - found myself twisting my body every now and again...
but i think it was more good that bad when on straight lines. circles/serpentines not so good. can do small circles, but large ones we're still working on. and i need to think more about how to control the shoulder without moving my seat bones...
the hard frost has gone, but still cold.
if it stays like this - dry but not that bitter cold of last week - i'll try some in hand during the week at night...
Keeping My Fingers Crossed
8 years ago
Well, I am not the best to advice, view how I struggle wit my own mare.
But CT is not for all horses. Or you really need lots of conditioning. It does not work with Princess Linda if she is not inetrested ...
Just a thought, you may either get a clicker trainer like Becky to come and to help you or try another technique.
lesson with clicker trainer was week past Wednesday Muriel!!! - that, and in hand, and ridden ...a good lesson. it's just getting her into the idea that she only gets the treat for doing what is asked, and doesn't mug for it before hand..
Oh my goodness I wouldnt have the patience for that everytime I wanted to ride but then patience isnt my stronge point!
You deserve a medal.
Still taking baby steps, but at least they are steps forward. Your patience is amazing. I think you are going to win in the end.
i'd like to think so, jean, but sometimes i get SOOOO pissed off with her. A lot of the time she does it deliberately.
i think everyone else thinks i should have give up long since, and i sometimes wonder myself....
but, TBF, there is currently another saddle problem...need to change the panels at the weekend, and email pictures of back out...
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