Monday, December 17, 2007


yesterday a friend said, did i have a soft tyre? i said, it's just cos it's a bit downhill where it's parked.

today in the carpark, i thought, ooops she's right. assumed slow puncture so went to tyre shop when i left the office.

TWO new front tyres, £157, later...

i reckon they must have needed looking at before i bought the car, i've only had it since end of august and i don't drive that badly fact i don't drive badly at all.

what i hadn't twigged was that because it's a sports car, it's compulsory to have sporty tyres...


rang the yard and kirstie put molly's tea up and etc. for me. just as well i did, it was well over an hour before i could get away and even then have to drop it back tomorrow to get the tracking done...


Jean said...
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Jean said...

Sorry, major typo and then a computer glitch. Back on, now....

Around here, the alignment and balancing are almost always part of buying the tires. I hope it was included with your purchase, especially since you had to buy the deluxe sport tyres. *G* Good luck with them. You should be a lot safer, particularly in the winter. Hate to think of getting stranded in the cold.

cptrayes said...

What's this Claire - sports car at your age :-))))) ???


Claire said...

no, the peugeot 206 2litre I bought at the end of august.... it's a "sport" so has sporty tyres, although i wouldn't call it a sports car and don't drive it like one. I reckon they didn't check the balancing etc when they sold me the's due back at the dealers for its MOT in january, so i will be saying something...