move molly over here or leave her over there?
pro move:
she'll get more work (if i find somewhere with a lit arena, even if it is outdoor)
it'll probably cost me less - cheaper for someone to do her for sat/sun than for monday to friday.
i'll be back in full control for more days of the week
she's settled where she is
i'd have to give up that stable for the period she's away...
that's it really, i think!
if anyone thinks of other pros/cons, let me know, help me decide....
in the meantime, foudn a flat - one bedroom, bath/shower, kitchen, living/dining - small, not the best, a bit tatty really, but does the job...£425 pcm + will take it, hope there's enogh money in the bank for deposit.
and i'm struggling with expenses, putting the details on, it's a website for an umbrella company that does it all and they even have a help section, but it has missed one detail that i need them to clarify.
and i won't get paid until that's all sorted out and i've inputted everything. and i forgot to get a vat receipt for my diesel when i filled up last thursday ... bummer. and with not having a printer here was unable to print out the booking details for the hotel...which acts as receipt - so shall have to see if i can get at that via web..