Monday, August 04, 2008

the rosette

was for third place in the senior section, which considering I retired and thus didn't perform the last 3 mvements is pretty phenomenal. i reckon judge must have had her rose tinted specs on - 7 5's and 2 6's, the 6's being for better trot steps and more relaxed walk steps. comment "when she relaxed in the walk she showed some nice movement" which was about 5 strides before she lost the plot at the spooky table! I would have give myself all 4's, if that, so it obviously looked a lot better than it felt.

And i didn't know there was food on, and jumping later (there would have been ground poles to trot over...) - YO didn't know there was food on until very late the night before! her mother baked!

tonight i went in and the first thing I did was that test again through, and then did trot as well as walk and got some nice trot steps in there somewhere!

I guess i was trying too hard again yesterday, what with all the stress of getting here in there - more than likely!


cptrayes said...

What a great judge. Encouragement instead of criticism, just what you need at that level. 10/10 for the judge. And well done you.


Jean said...

Totally agree with Caroline. Instead of discouraging you, the comments are a great plus. And, trust me, the scores really do reflect what Molly and you CAN do.

And, the test went well tonight, so that should convince you to try again putting less pressure on yourself. As you found out, when you focus you just the two of you and not all the "stuff" going on or the concept of "It's a show, so I have to do well," the test starts to flow.

Fantastic all around. Hope that smile just keeps on shining. :) Oh, and give Molly a hug from me for being such a good girl tonight.