Wednesday, August 27, 2008


i bought some of these at the weekend - thought about it in december, and now have some - so tonight was lunging, and over poles. interspersed slow walk with trotting over poles. Interesting to watch her really pick her back legs up, was very pleased. we had three poles set up, on one pod high (I only bought two sets,so my max is 4 poles at one high or 2 at 2) in a straight line. did them once each way - and pleased to say she was much easier to move right tonight, one benefit at least of all that ground work last night!

Not so pleased with the rhinegold torrent rug i bought her. It may have been a bargain, and it's certainly the right length, and very lightweight - but not right at the shoulder, and at the front fastening it was folding itself back under and leaving a gap.

1 comment:

Jean said...

Years ago, here in the USA I bought Blox, which are similar. I can also build jumps, but use them mostly for cavaletti poles. It is great for getting a horse to use its hind end and adjust the stride.

I am sure you are going to be really pleased with your investment. The pods look great!