Thursday, August 14, 2008

couldn't be bothered

either of us.

i just thought i'll try a spot of rope circling - didn't think riding was such a good idea, as i'm still seizing up rather than loosening up (and had some tingling in my fingers hwilst brushing her tail, which is bizarre!!!) and she wasn't that interested, and wasn't happy about the going (who can blame her after all the rain!)

there was a HUGE pond on the track up to the field - i was pleased i'd dug my much boots out. up to my ankles! at least got the mud off molly's feet so i could see them...

do hope it stop raining soon.....


cptrayes said...

Oooh that does NOT sound good. Tingle in the fingers with a neck injury? BE CAREFUL Claire. My work with spinal research has taught me that injuries get worse before they get better and you need to stop any more inflammation before it can cause any damage.

A&E ???


Claire said...

I know, caroline. in the past i've had tingling in the fingers waking me up in the night, which i've always put down to my neck and which essentially hasn't happened since i got an orthopaedic pillow (and one hand consultant i know would insist was carpal tunnel syndrome...). but this isn't clever. would be happier if i could find my neck collar!

GP monday. A & E will send me on my way at this point in time, as it's more than 24 hours post accident and they will treat it as a bog standard whippy.

Claire said...

ibuprofen interspersed with paracetamol and keep it moving to stop the muscles seizing up.

Jean said...

Do be careful. I echo Caroline's concerns. Neck injuries are nothing to fool around with.

Just as well Molly was not in the mood. You are better off not having done anything with her.

Are all those comments British code for, "Yes I am going to the doctor??"

Jean said...

Do be careful. I echo Caroline's concerns. Neck injuries are nothing to fool around with.

Just as well Molly was not in the mood. You are better off not having done anything with her.

Are all those comments British code for, "Yes I am going to the doctor??"

Stephanie said...

I thought that you were meant to be going to the doctors today (yesterday)?

Have to be careful with this.

Claire said...

i have an appointment with my GP for monday morning, 10.15 - the earliest they could give me.

I have a neck collar that was floating about at home from 5 years ago

i have an orthopaedic pillow

this morning my back's killing me...

thanks for the worry, folks.

caroline, what research?