Wednesday, June 25, 2008


right round the arena! without losing our balance!

no where near what should be happening, but still an all. I didn't do the ground work first, which I probably should have done, YO held her whilst I got on, and tractor AND mini groundmoving machine were both on the go next to the arena, which is all fully surfaced now (with a little hill of spare in the middle to do circles round LOL).

Molly wasn't really listening yet and kept looking over to the field (where Charm is, I must take a photo of her for you) but kept moving, and went where I pointed her, and as I say we trotted....

so i was pleased!

and grateful client sent me a mahoosive bunch of flowers, came by courier in a box!


cptrayes said...

That's nice of your client, I hope you get a bonus from the boss too, since you obviously won the case.


Jean said...

Good for you with the flowers and the trotting. Seems you had a winning day on both counts.

Claire said...

bonus? phooey, i'll believe one of them when I get it!