Monday, June 09, 2008


there was no one at the yard at all! and the only person who appeared was Jill, who'll be moving there from my old yard at the end of the month!

I tied molly up in the barn, she did settle - she took a wander into her new stable (it's still not got the matting down) but didn't have a strop at the sight of the cupboards and stuff, which was good.

tacked up and lunged in the arena. Amazing to have so much space, I think she enjoyed it - took no encouragement to move at all! but did, of course, have to be told to go right.

then after we'd done that I'd turned her out again, I examined how the matting will go down...

think I'll have to move all the cupboards out, put it down and then put the cupboards back.

Not really sure yet....

and i was still on my own when i locked up to go - took ages to get the lock locked, but got there in the end...


cptrayes said...

So is it a 60m arena? Glad you enjoyed it.


Claire said...

40 x 20 .....

huge compared to 14.5 x 22

Jean said...

Lovely, lovely. I hope you don't get lonely. But I have a feeling you will soon figure out when other people are there and be able to adjust according to what you want to do.

The cupboards will be in the stable (stall/box) where Molly is? My guys would trash them for sure.