Wednesday, July 02, 2008

never mind the mounting block

use the stool.

i took down to the new yard the stool I'd had at the last yard, Ikea's best.

5 minutes ground work, she stood like a lamb, no bother at all!

so, the problem is EITHER the fact that the mounting block proper is in the corner, OR that it's a mounting block at all. I think, in the corner.

Anyway, did some nice stuff, some resistance to rein back, but that was my fault and we did do one really nice full two steps back. got leg yield !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

then it started spitting to rain and a HUGE cloud was coming over, you could see the rain coming out of it ... went in .... untacked... cloud blew away.

1 comment:

Jean said...

Another use for my run in shed! I was thinking how many times I've saddled up, gone out to ride, had the rain start, rushed back into the barn, untacked, and had the rain stop. Now I can just go into the shed at the end of the arena and wait it out.

Thinking the stool makes her feel less trapped. Fine for now, but using that tall block will feel better for both of you with easier mounting up eventually.