Wednesday, May 02, 2007

late and cold.....

last two appointments of the day at our redcar (coast) office, coming out in rush hour, needed petrol..... late to yard and really really cold - the sit-tites are brilliant, but not warm! and I'd missed everyone that was likely to be riding (last one walking away down the hill as i went round to get molly) .... so again she got a night off. bbrrrhh. we've put the heating back on!


Jean said...

It's supposed to get chilly here tonight too, but the day was gorgeous after a pretty impressive thunderstorm last night.

I went to the chiropractor, so I just may give the Boys off. We are supposed to have a string of lovely days, so I don't have to worry about being "weathered out."

James said...

Better stay under those covers awhile..I'm sure Molly enjoys the time off from work...