Monday, August 21, 2006

back to lunging

for now.

and she was onthe point of going right rein, but due to my foot still not being recovered ( i think the break is still mending) I couldn't get after her quickly enough to get after her and lost it.

side reins on with the gp saddle; very loose, partly to get her back into it and partly because i want her to actively look for the contact. probably too loose.

various bits of advice from people, for which thanks

gaynor is going to add to what i've written to explain the bits when she was out of my sight. apparently that did include a full on rear; anyway we'll wait for that.

she did get her going forwards and the block was at the log, but it was apparently a full on rear. but it wasn't the rear that frightened her, it was the trying to run inot the hedge following by standing stock still with no indication of what was coming next....


as i said to a friend earlier though, so long as i can persuade people NOT to hit her over the head when she does rear....i still think molly needs as much cool calm and collected from the handler/rider as anything else...

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