Wednesday, August 30, 2006

and probably back problems

i'd been starting to wonder, as when I went to girth up she'd been moving away; that was definite tonight. and frankly, the way she's been throwing herself about, i'm not surprised. but it can't be that whatever she's done to her back caused the throwing herself about as

1. she threw herself about and caused any back problem, not the other way about
2. she woulnd't have gone out as far as she did on sunday with jimmy before starting to throw herself about

at least that is likely to be something covered by the insurance.

so loose schooling tonight and tomorrow, i think....

Liz, who was out with jimmy, is still of the view firmly that it is something physical and something in her head .... thinks my teacher should ride molly out (once she's been told the full horror of course!)

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