Monday, July 13, 2009

someone did a rain dance....

but there are various culprits - i was in the process of putting saddle on, two were outi nthe field catching their horses...who knows. but at least i didn't leave any washing on the line. and it's still tipping down now an hour after i left!

anyway - catching and bringing in was a fraction easier today ... the first stage was uphill, and after a minute's pulling, she came ...

she stopped when we got to the down hill bit.. whether that was because it was down hill, or because one of the other mares came trotting over to her, i don't know.

i did try to take some video of her walking down hill, but not wonderfully successfully .. one bit i thought i'd taken, i hadn't, and the next bit there's a lot of her head in the way!

i was starting to think about Queenie; she developed spurs on both front navicular bones.... but, her last few years she was sound barefoot in the field. alternatively, she's trying really hard to train me not to fetch her in, and failing....

edited to add: friend's OH, horse vet, says lame bilaterally in front.


Jean said...

Hard to tell much from that video. *LOL* Can't tell if she is walking carefully because you are turned around looking at her, or if she is walking gingerly at all.

Hard to say what's going on, but I still suspect it is more of a training issue. Without xrays, there is no real way to tell.

Zoe said...

If you find out who it is who is doing that rain dance let me know. I am not impressed.