Monday, November 17, 2008


as opposed to cold last night. part of which might have been a function of being unwell, but this flat when it's been left is a serious central heating....

must remind partner to go buy molly some feed (tee hee....) didn't realised how far down it was until too late yesterday...oops. enough for 3 days, i think, but not the week ... partner said "?applechaff?!?


cptrayes said...


C :-)

cptrayes said...

Never heard of it!


Claire said...

mollichaff with apple....same manufacturer, i do believe. anyway, we can get it all round up my way...

Jean said...

Applechaff??? Got me on that one.

Looked it up. I looks delicious!

My guys get pelleted feed and alfalfa cubes and hay. I'm due to pick some feed up on Saturday. Have no idea how to unload it as I don't think my knees will allow me to carry 50# bags! Need to find some local muscle to help out.