Tuesday, November 11, 2008


:-(. won't be getting kept on full time where i am, and neither will the other person (who was temp, like me, but had been led to expect he woudl be) for reasons i won't go into here.

so need to hear about the manchester thing.... and you never know, the one in durham might prove fruitful!

had i been getting the job here, i would have moved molly this weekend, but as it is, i shan't do anything until i hear about manchester one way or the other....no point moving her for a fortnight! despite the expense, the expense of travelling her would cancel out.

hey ho.

and the agent says someone wants to look at my vogue, now if i can just maintain my internet connectionlong enough to reply to that email, i'll be happy!


Nicola said...


Hope the others come through for you....

You selling the Vogue??

Jean said...

Phooey. I was hoping the job would work out. At least you have some other prospects. Sending goo wishes it will all sort out soon.

jenny said...

Hi Claire I hope at long last I can post on your blog. Did you get my e mail re coming to supper I only live 20 mins from Wilmslow and the yard you are looking at is 5mins from my daughters, I know the location well as it is on my way to the airport. Lots of news good and bad, the bad I am afraid is that my lovely Sam was put down 2 weeks ago after being ill for only 4 weeks, getting my self back on track now and working Patrick every day. I would love to hear from you soon. Regards Jenny franklin

Claire said...

hi jenny, hope you've got my emails now, i didn't get your original... these things sometimes get lost in teh ether!