Saturday, March 03, 2007


in one piece

first thing this mornig (well, not quite first thing .... this was about 0730 i think) up our maple

i think this has been my busiest blogging day yet...

1 comment:

Jean said...

My goodness, I just managed to get caught up, I think.

Simba is back to his old tricks, I see. I guess that leg can't hurt too much. Silly boy.

Fan switch? Ok, that shouldn't be too bad or expensive to fix. The whole heater fan went in my truck--only 3000 miles on it but out of warranty--cost me over $400US to fix. Wish it had been a switch.

As for the computer, I did get a little lost. At least you are online as is evidenced by your many posts.

Don't think Molly cares if she has a day off. She probably just enjoyed lazing about in the sunshine--a rare treat considering all the strange weather we've all been weathering this winter. *G*