Wednesday, March 07, 2007

rug off

molly was SO warm, i took the rug off. she'll get filthy (stable is on rubber matting with one bag of shavings and of course the field is still muddy) and i hope i don't regret it, but she's shedding so much, it's so nice through the day (UP TO 54 F forecast for tomorrow) she'll be melting and i don't want an overheated horse!

didn't do anything with her - apart from anything else, was still in my work kit! and that doesn't work, really!

and i'm still pleased about last night, it was good...

1 comment:

Jean said...

Ok, Ok, it's still in the 20's here. It's not supposed to really warm up until the weekend. 30's tomorrow and Friday.

Shedding horses and mud are at least a sign of Spring. Not exactly the best part of Spring...but....*G* As long as Molly is happy and comfy, I guess you will just have to pay the price with the extra grooming.

I'm betting the next time you work her she will be even better!