for a site visit, well two actually. but i was impressed, 2 hours 20 there, not much more back, i was very lucky with the traffic! and my satnav rocks - got me to two obscure locations no bother at all. much easier than forever stopping to consult the map when you are getting near, especially in these days of yellow lines all over (that's to stop us parking jean!). But not enough tea; no one one offering a brew (mind i don't know if i'd have said yes had it been offered.... but it's polite to offer!)
turned molly out this morning, and was in time to muck her out tonight.. not something i normally do in my suit!
had planned to go see caroline but that went pear shaped .. they had no signal for their mobile phone so didn't get my call ... ah well, next time. but i always reckon visiting friends is even better when soemone else is paying the travelling expenses!!!
Keeping My Fingers Crossed
8 years ago
I figured out most of the "tea" thing after I posted...actually a bit before I posted, but that's OK. Here, lunch is lunch, and dinner is dinner and we generally don't have "tea" except as a special event where they usually serve coffee. *G*
Now, specifically, what was your trip for? Not sure I am following your business too well. Either way, 2 1/2 hours is a long drive. Glad you made it OK and didn't hit too much traffic.
Around here yellow lines on the road are a signal that you cannot pass another car. They may or may not be used to identify no parking areas, but are used diagonally across a lane to show you are not supposed to drive there.
So, what's with the no parking everywhere? Any special reason it seems to be so common?
coffee for tea?....mmm.
anyway, I'm a claimant personal injury solicitor (lawyer - but over here we have solicitors who do all the work and barristers who get ontheir feet in court!), speciliasing in industrial diseases (vibration white finger - national expert in that - and noise induced hearing loss and other stuff). the site visit was to look at two places client used to work at, the machine he worked on, with expert to provide report on vibration levels. 300 odd mile round trip, with a diversion to robinsons country leisure, a mega huge saddlery store just next to the second appointment ... only spent £14.00, very restrained of me!!!!
no parking is just so councils can make money on parking fines (cynical me).
we have white cross hatched lines where we aren't supposed to drive, same as you, no overtaking. and yellow crosshatch boxes to keep junctions clear on busy routes... not that anyone pays too much attention, IMHO
Well my wife is Trinidad and it took me quite some time to adjust to the different terms they used. I'm a bit better with the Queen's english and I believe I shall become much better if I keep visiting you here. Now ladies before you know it you'll make a horseman of me yet!!!!
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