Monday, February 26, 2007

more ground work

a little bit more ground work to see if i could get her to go right; coulnd't, but did manage to stroke down her right side twice, before she realised she'd let me and moved back round again.

the good thing yesterday that i forgot to mention.. she let me run up the right stirrup, first time she's done that, so clearly heading in the right direction...


Jean said...

I wonder what Molly's problem stems from? It is so strange. Still you need to be happy with the small successes.

The hacking experiences are really special, though. It takes a horse with a good head and common sense to be a safe ride along the roads. Now you just have to transfer that common sense into the arena to cure her "rightaphobia." *G*

Jean said...

Found it. Molly acutally does suffer from a phobia. I found this on the Phobia page:

"Dextrophobia- Fear of objects at the right side of the body"

Now all we have to do is find the cure. *S*