Saturday, January 23, 2010

does poo picking

keep you fit?

4 barrows out of the paddock today - we're still wrestling with the stuff that was buried under the snow, and I think this finally got on top of it!

that was after mucking out

end result, no time to do anything with molly (we'd been out in the morning to hairdressers...)

Just saying to allison, not totally sure i've enjoyed this winter with molly, first time for years with no immediate safe access to arena at all no work done really! she has kept some muscle (more than Charlie, I think) and not dropped more weight than she needed, which is good, but it's all to start again!

1 comment:

Jean said...

Ah, yes, the benefits of poo picking are numerous, with fitness just one of its delights.

Yes. My stomach muscles definitely noticed the exercise after my recovery. Not only the motion of lifting the poo into the wheelbarrow, but pushing the barrow too all make a lot of muscles work.

I've been battling several spots of frozen poo myself. Makes it hard to keep things as clean as I want to in my riding arena. Pasture and paddocks are a loss for now, but I do have an excellent drag that will take care of most of that--again when the ground thaws and dries a bit.

A bit frustrating about the arena for you, but perhaps as the days grow longer and the weather warmer you will manage better.