Saturday, December 12, 2009

not os bad...

in that molly was turned out today and they had 2 hours or so of just chilling before she started spraying, so i go her in again rather than wind charlie up more...

we think it'll all be fine again by monday - hope so! - and we'll investigate that agnus castus stuff....

unfortunately, even though the weather came out not too bad, didn't have time to do anything at all except bottom her bed ... but will have time tomorrow, and the weather is supposed to be ok! at least the fog should lift.


cptrayes said...

We had fog on Friday too, except immediately around the reservoir that we went to walk. It was very odd - as if we had ordered our own little pool of sunshine!


Jean said...

Fog sounds incredible. Rain here, so it's gotten a bit damp again...well, wet, actually. Left the Boys out for now, but I'm sure they will have to be limited on turnout tomorrow.

Seems as if you are working out a satisfactory turnout for your two. Hope it settles the problem.