Sunday, December 06, 2009

good lord i rode!

turned into a nice day eventually (but had been raining at the time booked for partner's lesson so that got cancelled again!) and i took molly over the bridge to the arena, just on spec but the person having the lesson & her pupil were quite happy for me to work round them (thank you them).

little bit of the usual chew getting on, and i think i manage to accidentally hit poor molly in the head with my whip as i tried not to fall backwards off the mounting block as she moved! ooops. but whatever in fact happened, she then stood stock still..

she was slightly unsettled, and i never got her standing long enough to put my nearside stirrup up the required hole (i have to have it a shade longer to get on, or i can't) so just did a lot of walk keeping changing the rein

can tell how long it is since we've done anything, i knew i was a bit tight everywhere! but considering she hasn't ever been ridden in that arena before (only lunged twice) and we could hear Charlie screaming for her from across the river i was quite pleased really..

going back, some d**k head decided to try and pass me despite the blind bend ahead, so i told him loudly he was an idiot and he told me loudly i was the same... but he didn't try and pass (but still as well no one came the other way, as he didn't drop back in behind me!)

think gaynor got stuck christmas shopping ...the perils of having family, i think! shame as it was anice afternoon, despite the fact that it did try to rain whilst i was in the arena.


Mary Lou said...

Amazing how sunny the afternoon turned out to be, considering the sideways rain of the morning.

When I use a whip I stick it in some reachable place to pick up after I get on. But Molly seems to have handled the unintended tap very well. Maybe she thought her mind needed some encouragement.

Much good can come of a long walk session so I am sure that the ride was worth it.

cptrayes said...

The poor girl, being beaten around the head for no reason :-))))) My friend did that to her newly backed three year old the other day. I was amazed when he just shrugged and said "figures!"


Claire said...

i was a bit :0) at the very thought, caroline, baaad me....

photogchic said...

Yeah!!! Very cool.

Jean said...

Maybe the bop told Molly to stand...

Any time in the saddle is worth it, no matter what you do.

Danni said...

Sorry to hear about the idiot driver, but glad you got some time in the saddle :)