Tuesday, April 22, 2008

another success

for four...

went round the 20 acre with Evelyn on scarlet (she shares him with her husband) - this time last year there was no way she would even hack out, she's come so far, and there she was volunteering to come round the 20 acre with Molly & I. I was so impressed with her getting her confidence back like that!

and Molly did protest a bit the first half after we got into the field proper, but i was able to keep her going so that was good too.

I'd put the mullen mouth snaffle in (hadn't anticipated going out) and I think she's gone off it - no beginnings of any lightness at all. but hey, we kept control and got where we wanted to go.

jean of course i was pleased with last night, compared with previous - what you said, really!

and finally, thoughts are with Erin in the states on the loss of her parents. Hope she's got loads of help from all round and keeps strong.


Jean said...

My greatest sympathy to Erin, and prayers along with it. These must be difficult times. I hope she has close friends and family with her.

As for you and Molly..wonderful. Just being able to have a nice hack is so special. Now if only Molly will begin to believe that as well.

Do not confuse "lightness" and proper contact. Molly may be the kind of horse that really needs to put some pressure on the bit. If you can turn her and stop her and she doesn't jam her head out in the other direction, she might acutally be working on the bit. Hard to say from a distance. Too light is no contact at all and the horse might not be working through its body to the bit.

Either way, you got there and back, as did Evelyn. You made a great pair of brave souls for that ride! *S*

Claire said...

that's a thought jean - but she's been working really nicely lately, last night's trot work showed that - difference in the feel. She's always been hard to bit...