Thursday, March 06, 2008


two of us left the yard more or less at the same time, i was second (still in the dark, by the way, someone's going to tell the lads tomorrow about the lights!) anyway, person in front kept stopping, driving erratically, whatever, i was starting to think either there was something wrong with the car or with her. this is still on the private drive, not the main road. eventually she stopped and came to tell me - she was stopping for the frogs! i hadn't seen any (because she was in front, i assume) but she was trying not to run them over and occasionally getting out and physically moving one!

so spring is springing -they're on the way down to the River Wear, which runs through the estate, clearly. and that must mean we should soon get some frogs in our new pond, as well, which is the idea (slug control!).

1 comment:

Jean said...

Three cheers for saving the frogs!

A mile or so from me is a road the Town governments close every year-right around now--tonight, actually!!--for the migration of the spotted salamanders. The little critters cross the road to get to the woods ponds on the other side for the Spring breeding season. The "spring peepers"--tree frogs--often cross too. The weather is nearly perfect for it. Above 40F and wet from the rains yesterday.

I can't go as I have a zoning board meeting and, if time afterwards, choir practice.