Friday, February 19, 2010

and it snowed again ...

but not for long and didn't lie!

horses didn't go out until 4 - g's youngest had to go to doctor! not a well boy! so all mucking out done after i got there from work - but they still didn't volunteer to come in - i think they hate the mud at the gate which is deep and boot sucking (and claimed charlie's shoe the other week!). he's now barefoot altogether and won't be doing any road work ...when we ever get them back in to work LOL

again, i haven't looked at the forecast...


Di said...

don't blame you for not checking the forecast, I'm the same, it's too depressing!!

Mary Lou said...

It's not hard to understand why people keep horses in a stable pretty much full time in the winter. T lives out full time and it's mud all the time for him. He doesn't like it either. But I am convinced that he is healthier and, despite the mud, happier outside. In England, I don't think there is anyway to avoid the mud - maybe a huge roof over a raised pasture.

trudi said...

We try not to look at the forecast, I prefer not to know, LOL Hope you have a mud drying spell of weather.