Wednesday, May 28, 2008

the 20 acre .... gated

and full of sheep! they've put a gate across right at the yard, so to get even along between the fields to go down the hill towards the 20 acre, you have to be able to open the gate. and Molly doesn't really do gates (especially this one, which for brand new is a nightmare!). and the sheep can get right up to the yard.

the advantage was, of coruse, that Molly having done her usual of heading for the 20 acre (i didn't bother trying to prevent her and instituting some jaw setting!) was stopped in her tracks and a bit put out.

which meant that, once she turned round, she volunteered herself into the arena.

TBH i'm not over happy as the gates difficulty means that I can't think about getting out on my own unless someone will do the gate for me ... too many gates!

in the meantime, she did some reasonable work, we're getting better at circles.

Not convinced by the bit. or is it me? or is it her continuing bitting issues? this is still the myler hanging cheek i bought.

anyway, even with no contact, she chunters away at the bit .....

and i mean no contact -

or should i take more contact? i've enough that she feels my fingers move!

1 comment:

cptrayes said...

Bane of my life gates! And the farmers never hang them properly and it's all so much hard work. I stay on the road often because I can't be fagged with the gates.